Monday, December 8, 2008

Reception Food Choices!

Hey everybody! Long time no post. If you're coming here from the reception card, then this post is for you. Here are the two choices for entree at the reception.

The first is a Potato Crusted Sea Bass on Braised Fennel with Julienne Vegtables.

The second is Sauteed Breat of Chicked topped with Prosciutto and Fresh Mozarella, Roasted Pepper and Tomato Sauce. Served with Portabella Mushroom Ravioli and Garlic Spinach.

The choices are yours, and yours alone!

NOTE: Apologies for the quality of the pictures. They were taken on my cellphone in really bad lighting. Trust me - the food is waaaay more appetizing in person.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How we Met!

The first time we met:
Mae Linh had gone to get Bus Passes with her friends, "The Foxy Four Five", on the same day that Mike had decided to do the same thing. Suddenly presented with five very chatty girls, Mike opened up a conversation about Disney and stuff, but only managed to get the very pretty quiet one to mention that she was technically a sophomore before she went back to pointedly ignoring him. So Mike being ever so persistent continued the conversation. With Keva ;)

The second time we met:
A couple weeks have passed, and Mike, having been told he was "cuddly" the night before (by his mother) had decided that this Valentine's Day was going to be better than all the rest (See that kids? Foreshadowing!). He was therefore going around greeting everyone he met with a rousing "Happy Singles Awareness Day!" Mae Linh also felt unusually good on this S.A.D., and so was looking foward to lunch with her Foxy Four Five. As she proceeded downstairs, through the lobby where Mike was waiting for his friends, she recieved the same greeting.

Being the shining person she is, she pointedly ignored him again.

Upon leaving the dorm, she realized that she had been unusually mean to this poor innocent boy, and was surprised to run into him again at the cafeteria.

Mike, being a generous soul, said "Thanks for ignoring me."

Mae Linh, feeling so awful, babbled apologies for a good twenty minutes, before going back to ignoring him in favor of talking to Jarys. (Mae Linh says this is because they had a class together, but Mike feels it's probably because Jarys is dead sexy.) The conversation turned to auditions for the forthcoming musical, "The Mystery of Edwin Drood". Mike, attempting to join the conversation, said he was going to audition with a song from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

"Vampires?" Mae Linh exclaimed, "I love Vampires!"

We swear we aren't making this up.

Mike quickly jumped on the opportunity, and asked her to join the vampire roleplaying game they happened to be playing that night. (Fate!) So, Mike asked for her number. (Smooooth.) Mae Linh had just recently got on the AIM bandwagon, and was really excited about it, so said "No, but here's my instant messenger screenname." (Shot down!)

Third Conversation: On AIM:

Terran5375: Hey!
WhiteMask1865: Hello?
Terran5375: This is Mike, we met at the cafeteria today?
etc etc, bla bla bla...
Terran5375: So, where you from?
WhiteMask1865: Washington, DC. How about you?
Terran5375: Boston.
(Mae Linh thinks: Oooh, a fellow East Coaster. I shouldn't write that, he'll think I'm stupid.)
Terran5375: Oooh, a fellow East Coaster.

And that's how we knew we were meant to be together.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Spot

So I was trying to locate a picture of the Sutro Mansion, and failed, but I did locate this image of how it looked in 1880. So if Mae Linh and I were getting married over 100 years ago, we'd be inviting you here.

The turret and house stuff is all gone, but that great big wall along the water is still there.

How we found the spot:
So anyone who knows Mike and me, you know that we are not the hiking type, but for some reason on a really sunny day we decided to go for a walk near Ocean Beach. The bus dropped us off near the dunes, and we noticed stairs leading up and what seemed like over the dunes to Ocean beach. We thought, why not and climbed the stairs. The Stairs lead out to a breathtaking overlook of the ocean, but it still wasn't the beach. We contemplated going back down and around when we noticed a beaten path through the brush that continued up the hill. Being the questing type, we hit the trail. The trail ended in a plateau that was NOT Ocean Beach but a white pickup truck was parked just a few more extra feet on top the hill. Throwing caution to the wind we made out own path to the pick up truck. What we found was not the beach, but soooo much better. Now I know how Frodo and his crew felt when the FINALLY got to Rivendell. After risking our lives (don't worry Moms, it wasn't that bad ;)), we had found an oasis. We traversed the manicured lawns, passed the stone lions and found the old mansion grounds. Looking out over the ocean and most of the west side of San Francisco, Mike and I looked at each other and said, "This is the spot." Quest completed.

Relive our experience with the virtual tour of the park.